Introduction to Applied Data Science
Slides for the course Introduction to Applied Data Science
Slides for the course Introduction to Applied Data Science
The latest working paper version of my article “Returns to Politics Under A Changing Political System”
The latest working paper version of my article “Democratization, Personal Wealth of Politicians and Voting Behavior”
Slides for the theme Historical Persistence for the Applied Economics Research Course (BSc 3)
Repository containing slides, datasets and memos for the MSc Thesis in Economic Policy (2022-2023, USE)
The downloadable version of my PhD Thesis, including replication package.
Repository for MSc Thesis in Finance, 2022 @ EUR
The latest working paper version of my article “The Wealth of The Dutch Political Elite (1870-1922)”
A Repository for BSc Theses surrounding Political Connections, 2020-2021, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Repository for MSc Thesis in Finance, 2021 @ EUR
Repository containing datasets and slides for the course Big Data, Big Questions at Utrecht University (2018-2019)